Hello and finally welcome to what is NikkiLee’s blog, I simply have no idea where I am going with this even as I type, but hey lets see how it goes….
Firstly thank you for even stopping by my web site, I have had an awful time trying to sort it, I had a brilliant web site, only for it to be deleted for no reason what so ever, so I had to start from the beginning, in a way it did me a favor as I now have total full control over how it is going to be…happy days!
The site is still very early stages, but I wanted something on line just to show that I’m slowly getting there, there is simply so much that needs doing but, who needs sleep lol?
So Christmas is this week…. can not wait to get it over with to be honest, I have never been a fan, but this year will be extremely hard as I lost my dad earlier this year, we always spent Christmas day over at my Nan’s grave (morbid family us) but now I’ll be with them in different ways, its been a very hard year for me, and I have learnt a hell of a lot, especially certain friends and family that simply weren’t there for me, but you know what, you just have to learn to crack on and deal with it, my dad would not want me moping, he’d still moan about my love for Joe Cole, but hey not everyone’s perfect .
Also this week sees another birthday (27th) another year that people will forget…yawn, i’m so used to it, so its panto for me as that’s how i roll at this stage of my life…and a curry…never forget the curry!
So I’ll keep this short and sweet as I’m still getting to grips with this whole blog life, thank you for reading,and stay sexy
All my love
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